Everything communicates with everything! You communicate with yourself. You communicate with others. You communicate with your car. Your car communicates with the road. The cells that make up the elements in the concrete communicate with one another.
In order for there to be a relationship communication must be present. When communication is established then the relationship between two things (or people) solidify. An example of this is the relationship between the sun and earth. There is communication happening that we cannot see with our eyes. They are communicating in another "language."
In a relationship both parties must benefit from the arrangement. For example, the sun is present to warm the earth, influence the growth of the planet, create seasons, give us days and provide energy. Now, you may ask yourself what type of benefit does the earth offer the sun. The answer is simple. Without the earth the sun would be useless. It would have nothing to warm, no plants to influence, no seasons to change. There is purpose in the sun. The sun has just enough heat at just the right temperature, just far enough away from us that it doesn't kill us on contact.
The relationship is very solid as you can see. So for the sun and earth to coexist together and both benefit, there has to be communication between the two. Here is the kicker! They only communicate good things. The sun has never not done what it was supposed to do. So, the earth has always benefitted from that. The earth has never malfunctioned because if so, we would all be dead. Needless to say, that is a huge benefit of the sun.
The same principle applies to us. When we fail to communicate, the relationship is cut off. The problem that we all face is we all communicate differently. We communicate happiness, anger, sadness, joy, depression, and many more emotions and feelings differently. When there are infinite ways that we are raised and each person in each family communicates differently, there is no wonder why many relationships don't last. I'm not speaking solely of romantic relationships either. That extends to platonic, familial and theoretical relationships.
How can birds fly in a specific direction, in a specific pattern every year for as long as we can all remember? Communication. It just does not like our communication patterns. However, like human communication, there must be a language system in place for the birds to use to get to their destination. Otherwise, there would be flocks of birds going in the wrong direction. Now that would make headlines!
The same way birds communicate with one another and lions communicate with one another, we have communication with God. If we do not communicate with God then there is no relationship, which means God cannot give us the desires of our heart. We essentially cut off the supply. If you don't communicate then you never have the chance to ask anything of Him. Conversely, He never has the opportunity to communicate back. A child can only get the candy he or she wants when he/she asks for it. According to Matthew 7:7 if you ask, it will be given. If you seek you will find. If you knock the door will be opened to you.
With that being said, here are the 7 laws of communication.
Communication = Relationship
Communication happens between two or more entities
When each entity communicates, they both benefit from the relationship
Everything communicates with everything
Good communication brings growth
Bad communication brings problems
No communication brings death